In the first chapter of the Yellow Emperor’s Classic, they Yellow Emperor asks the great sage Chi Po why humans no longer live in to their 100’s. Chi Po replies, basically, because humans do everything to excess and do not follow nature. 

So how does this mean and does modern research support this classical thinking?

  • Too much working out…Have you seen those gym rats that never seem to lose weight, that are at the gym every day? If you work out too much you can not recover and let the body heal to grow. Also, to get lean most of the focus is on intake of correct food and drink.

  • Too much alcohol…More and more studies are coming out about alcohol and disease. In ancient China alcohol was used as a medicine and not consumed daily. Unfortunately, modern culture surrounds social activities with alcohol and bars. Try and get social without alcohol and see how much lighter you feel.

  • Too much thinking…Thinking too much burns more energy as physiologists have discovered. But overthinking can keep you from sleeping, breathing, eating and resting. Unfortunately, modern medicine gives you a pill, like Ritalin but trying mind body practices, like, Taiji, Yoga, Meditation work just as well.

  • Too much food…Today many people are realizing that too much food consumption is the actual culprit to many modern diseases. This is why intermittent fasting, Atkins diet, Ketogenic diet, etc. are so popular. The body is designed feast and fast but in modern time there is very little to know fasting. Also quality of food has diminished! Make time to feel hungry and make better food choices. Eat local and seasonal. All these can help you feel satiated and not bloated.

  • Too many drugs…This can be most highlighted by the over use of opioids that caused an epidemic in the United States. Most opioid addictions began with a simple prescription by a physician. The “no pain” model of medicine is actually a new phenomenon. People in other parts of the world know that pain is natural and is designed to help us feel and heal. From the Washington Post article in 2017….”Researchers estimate that 25 percent of people ages 65 to 69 take at least five prescription drugs to treat chronic conditions, a figure that jumps to nearly 46 percent for those between 70 and 79. Doctors say it is not uncommon to encounter patients taking more than 20 drugs to treat acid reflux, heart disease, depression or insomnia or other disorders.” This is not way to live. Many of the medications could be reduced or take away by making some lifestyle changes as described above.

Living Healthfully can be done by doing less!